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Florence, KY's experts in spine alignment

Back to Health Chiropractic of Florence, Kentucky provides ongoing spine alignment treatment and care including exercises that help with mobility and strength in Florence.

We are committed to putting you on a faster road to recovery. We offer patients personalized service and lifestyle advice to prevent reoccurrence or worsening of conditions.

Let us help you correct posture and seating, improve lifting techniques, learn better sleeping positions, and more.

Feel free to walk-in or use our calendar to schedule.
  • Pain relief and injury spine alignment treatment in Florence, KY

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Pain relief & pregnancy pain

 The goal at our chiropractic clinic is to provide thorough patient treatments for spine injuries, carpal tunnel, and pregnancy-related pain.

Each day we treat patients the way that we would want to be treated to ensure the highest level of service.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can have a serious impact on your lifestyle. In addition to the pain, your shoulder pain may be affecting your ability to perform your job. Proper care is important to keep you pain-free and at your job. 
  • Chiropractor explaining pain relief and injury spine alignment to a patient in Florence, KY

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  • knee pain with a patient in Florence, KY

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Knee Pain

Knee pain can be debilitating. We at Back to Health Chiropractic of Florence give careful attention to every knee complaint because improper management of knee pain can lead to long term chronic pain. 

Thorough chiropractic treatment provided by our Florence-based chiropractor, Dr. Vincent Tomar, could be all you need to live a less painful life. Contact Back to Health Chiropractic of Florence today and see what we can do to help alleviate this condition.

Ankle Pain

One of the most effective treatments for a sprained ankle is joint manipulation. This technique is often used to mobilize the joint and reduce pain. It can also help to improve the range of motion and increase blood flow to the area.

If you have sprained your ankle, you need to visit a local chiropractor. With this type of ankle injury, there is a good chance that the bones, ligaments, and tendons are no longer properly aligned. This can make it difficult for your body to heal properly
  • knee pain with a patient in Florence, KY

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Neck and Back Pain 

Neck and back pain can be a debilitating condition. Medication and injections only mask those symptoms allowing the condition to worsen. For 24 years we have been sucessfully eliminating neck and back pain without those medications and expensive injections. So don't wait! Walk-in or schedule using our $25 special today.
17 years of experience serving Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati
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